Monday, August 1, 2016

Community Partner Cape Cod Green Team

Reduce Global Warming By Planting Trees

How does planting trees help the environment? Why planting trees is important to reduce global warming? This is what we are precisely going to talk about. Read on and find the answers about the many benefits of planting trees.

According to the environmental protection agencies, planting trees is a must if we want to save our planet. Trees not only remove harmful chemicals from the soil, but also help reduce the greenhouses leading to global warming. Go on and see how planting trees helps the environment.

Advantages of planting trees in reducing global warming

1. An average size tree creates sufficient oxygen in one year to provide oxygen for a family of four.

2. Planting trees in the right place around buildings and homes can cut air-conditioning costs up to 50 percent.

3. Planting trees for the environment is good as they are renewable, biodegradable and recyclable. 

4. If we plant 20 million trees, the earth will get with 260 million more tons of oxygen.

5. Once acre of trees can remove up to 2.6 tons of Carbon Dioxide each year.

6. During photosynthesis, trees and other plants absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen.

7. Trees keep in cheek the air and water pollution.

8. Why planting trees is important is evident as they are the natural habitat of the animals and birds, as well as many endangered species.

9. Planting trees means more wood and paper products which can be easily recycled.

10. A newly planted whole forest, can change tones of atmospheric carbon into wood and other fibrous tissue, thus reducing global warming.

So, start digging immediately if you have the means to plant a tree. There are still too few of them to fully offset the changes brought about by global warming. Automobile traffic, manufacturing and other human activities are playing havoc with our environment. Reduce global warming simply by planting trees for the environment. 

Contact Dan Corrigan at 774-212-0179

Viridian Energy and Adopt A Tree Project

Viridian Energy and Adapt-A-Tree Project in memory of Sophie Corrigan, the eldest daughter of Viridian Associates, Dan & Amy Corrigan who was killed walking home after dancing with her two sweet sisters Ruby and Emily.

Trees have many economic, environmental and social benefits. They improve our lives and the places we live. Here are some reasons to plant and care for trees:

Economic Benefits

Planting shade trees on the south and west faces of your house can reduce winter heating bills by up to 15% and summer cooling bills by up to 50%.

Studies have shown that well-treed businesses project a warm, welcoming and inviting atmosphere for shoppers who tend to linger and spend more time shopping, resulting in some cases in a business increase of up to 11%.

Fruit trees provide delicious and free supplemental nutrition for the entire neighborhood.

A well-landscaped, tree-lined yard can raise the property value of a home by 5 to 15%, increasing neighborhood desirability and speeding up sales.

Environmental Benefits

Through photosynthesis, trees absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen. The average tree can clean up to 330 pounds of carbon dioxide annually while emitting enough oxygen for a whole family.
Trees reduce the need for heating and cooling, thus decreasing the need for more power plants in the future.

During a storm, the canopy and root systems of trees act as a both a sponge and a filter, cleaning the water as it seeps into the water table and reducing stormwater runoff.

Forested areas are far less prone to flooding and soil erosion.

Trees provide a habitat and refuge for urban wildlife, as well as wildlife that may have otherwise been displaced by development.
All of the above benefits are important factors in reversing the effects of major environmental crises such as global warming, species loss, and drought.

Social Benefits

Trees are shown to have a calming effect on people; people suffering from high stress tend to feel calmer in the presence of trees, thus improving overall health and well-being.

Studies show that neighborhoods with significant greenery report fewer instances of crime and less insecurity, resulting from a greater sense of community.

In today’s world we are growing increasingly insulated and isolated from our neighbors. A community tree planting is a great way for people to interact with one another, work side by side toward a common goal. Planting trees is also a great way to instill in members of the community a sense of civic pride and a stronger connection to place.

Dan Corrigan keeping Sophie's Dream alive at GreenFest Boston

Closely-spaced trees along roads tend to slow traffic by giving the impression of narrow roads and speed as they zoom past your windows. They also serve as a buffer zone between streets and sidewalks, creating safer environments for joggers, pedestrians and children at play.

Trees have been shown to increase levels of concentration in children, and girls who are exposed to nature or live in greener communities tend to exhibit higher levels of self-discipline and decreases in impulsive, risky behavior.

Trees benefit human health: scientific studies confirm that trees in cities provide social and psychological benefits. Humans derive substantial pleasure from trees, whether it is inspiration from their beauty, a spiritual connection, or a sense of meaning. Views of nature reduce stress response by both body and mind. Urban green also appears to have positive effects on the human immune system.

Trees improve air quality: trees absorb gaseous pollutants (e.g. ozone [O3], nitrogen dioxide [NO2], and sulfur dioxide [SO2]) through leaf surfaces. Trees also intercept small particulate matter (PM10) (e.g. dust, ash, pollen, smoke). 

Trees increase property value: well-maintained trees increase “curb appeal” of properties. Much research shows people are willing to pay 3 to 7 percent more for home properties with ample trees versus few trees. Depending on average home sales prices, the value of this benefit can contribute significantly to cities’ property taxes. Also shoppers shop more often and longer in well-landscaped business districts.

Trees increase public safety: research in public housing complexes found that outdoor spaces with trees were used significantly more often than spaces without trees. Trees facilitate interactions among residents, which can contribute to reduced levels of domestic violence, plus foster safer and more sociable neighborhood environments.

Trees save energy: shade trees reduce the amount of heat absorbed by homes and buildings, thereby reducing energy demand for air conditioning. Trees also act as windbreaks during the winter, thus softening cold winds. This also helps people save on utility costs.

Trees provide wildlife habitat: parks and open greenspace can provide habitats and forage for conserving biodiversity of animals and birds. Older parks, cemeteries, and botanical centers often contain rich clusters of wildlife.

Trees lower temperatures: evapotranspiration from tree leaves turns liquid water to water vapor, thus cooling the air. This also helps reduce urban heat island effect.

Trees reduce CO2: urban forests can reduce atmospheric CO2 in two ways: Trees directly sequester CO2 in their stems and leaves while they grow. Trees near buildings can also reduce the demand for heating and air conditioning, thus reducing emissions associated with power production.

Trees reduce runoff and erosion: tree canopies reduce soil erosion by diminishing the impact of raindrops on barren surfaces. Tree roots speed up the rate at which rainfall infiltrates soil and the capacity for soil to store water.

Trees filter water toxins: tree roots can absorb and filter out toxins in urban water runoff (e.g. hazardous chemicals, pesticides, car oil, etc.). 

Trees reduce urban noise: studies have shown that the performance of urban noise barriers is increased when used in combination with vegetative screens.


Interior West Community Tree Guide, Benefits, Costs, and Strategic Planning. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Research Station, Albany, California. General Technical Report PSW-GTR-205.  December 2007.  Vargus, Kelaine E., McPherson, Gregory E., Simpson, James R., Peper, Paula J., Gardner, Shelley L., Xiao, Qingfu.

Lilly, Sharon. Arborists’ Certification Study Guide, International Society of Arboriculture., 2010.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

If you love me, love love love me! Plant an apple tree!

Come adopt a tree for yourself, a loved one, or in memorial for someone you want to remember!

If You Love Me

If you love me, if you love, love, love me,

Plant a rose for me.

And if you think you'll love me for a long, long time,

Plant an apple tree.

The sun will shine, the wind will blow,

The rain will fall and the tree will grow,

And whether you comes, or whether you goes,

I'll have an apple, and I'll have a rose,

Lovely to bite, and nice to my nose.

And every juicy nibble will be

A sweet reminder of the time you loved me

And planted a rose for me,

And an apple tree.

Notes: words and music by Malvina Reynolds; copyright 1974 Schroder Music Company, renewed 2002.